Lack of blog entries are a measure of personal lethargy, rather than lack of progress, as followers of the Facebook page will know there’s lots of riveting stuff going on, but let’s get some of the blog backlog out of the way first.
The previous blog entry described the high-tech CNC work undertaken to produce the fuel pumps. These sit on top of the governor casing, the reproduction of which has to date been a painstaking exercise of draughtsmanship, pattern making and founding (blog entries 16th February 2020, 17th October 2021, 19th January 2023). At every stage in the manufacture of this component the words ‘it’s a bit tricky’ seem to crop up. The most recent star of mastering something that is ‘a bit tricky’ is John Dunn of John Dunn Engineering who has patiently machined the casting.
Mounted on a horizontal borer, the first operation was to mill the top face, which will ultimately carry the fuel pumps. John Dunn Engineering
Another view, showing how the casting was mounted and clamped to the table John Dunn Engineering
With the casting rotated through 90 degrees the end of the casing, which mounts onto the engine is shown here being faced off. John Dunn Engineering
The rather long reamer in the photo above is required to finish the bearings for the spindle of the governor operator bell crank lever. This is the sub-assembly 619 – 622 in the spare parts diagram included in the blog entry of the 10th February 2020. The photo below shows the same area on the MBD2 engine and tries to illustrate and explain how this part of the mechanism works. The lever is on the end of the shaft and is part 620, the fuel reducing claw lever (the kill switch for the engine).